11 products
11 products

Whitetail was created to be the most advanced tree stand hunting pattern on the market. At Veil, we spend a lot of time up in trees. It was where Veil was born. We wanted to create a powerful pattern that nailed the needs of a tree stand hunter. Developed with close range and elevated engagement in mind, Whitetail excels in balancing breaking apart the hunter’s symmetrical outline and dissolving into this elevated wooded environment. The disruption of shape and blending of texture combine into a careful balance that avoids detection at a distance and when in range of the target. Along with high tech mathematical principles used throughout the development, multiple species of animal vision were referenced to ensure scalable texture and disruption, as well as a refined color palette that works all season long in multiple regions across the USA. That’s all tech speak that really just means high-tech tree ninja camo.